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The contents of this website draws on work undertaken for a wide range of funders and interaction with many in the estuary research, consultancy and management community over the period 1998-2007. In particular development funding for research from the Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural England (NE) has underpinned much of the work. The development of an earlier version of this website was made possible by Associated British Ports (ABP) based on the report: Townend, I.H. (2004). Understanding and Managing Morphological Change in Estuaries. ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd, Version 1. The present version has been made possible through funding from the joint Defra / Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion R&D Programme, Modelling and Risk Theme (project code FD2119).

ABPmer and HR Wallingford are grateful to our many partners in various aspects of this work, including: Black & Veatch, British Geological Survey, CEFAS, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Halcrow, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Posford Duvivier, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Royal Holloway University of London, University College London, University of Cardiff, University of Durham, University of Liverpool, University of Newcastle, University of Nottingham, University of Plymouth, University of Southampton and WL|Delft Hydraulics Laboratory.

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Last Modified on: 19 June 2011
Printed from the Estuary Guide on 12/09/2024 22:44:07