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User Group Definition:

This user group essentially comprises those responsible for undertaking technical studies relating to identifying and predicting morphological change in estuaries, either in a research or applied environment.  

User Group Functions:

In the context of identifying and predicting morphological change in estuaries, the broad functions of this user group are:

Benefits from the Guide:

In line with these functions, the main benefits that can be drawn from the Guide by this user group are:

Navigation to Relevant Guide Sections:

The main element of the Guide that provides benefit to this defined user group is:

This provides access to details of the various methods and models available for examining change within estuaries. Information can be accessed at a number of different levels:

In addition the following can be accessed:

The ‘Guide’ sections provide a discussion of best practice in how to identify and predict morphological change in estuaries;

Click here to obtain summary details of the type of information found in each of the above sections Expand section

The Analysis and Modelling Guide provides access to details of the various methods and models avilable for examining change within estuaries.   Links are also provided to other modelling guidance websites.

Each of the methods and models is at a different level of development ranging from tools routinely applied in the assessment process

At the first level , the methods and models  are grouped into five generic types, as follows, with a brief explanation provided of each:

A link is then provided to access more detailed information about each method. This second level takes the form of summary information under a number of headings (aproximately one page), as follows:

  • Description;
  • Temporal applicability
  • Spatial applicability;
  • Links with other tools;
  • Data sources;
  • Necessary software skills/tools;
  • Typical analysis;
  • Limitations;
  • Example applications.

From this document a full description and discussion of the method can then be accessed.

In addition there are a number of other sections of the Guide that will provide relevant information. These are as follows:

  • Supporting technical documents:  These are a series of documents available to download. They provide detailed information to support the the main estuary guide and cover a number of topics. The documents are grouped under the following headings:
    • Background papers on theoretical concepts;
    • Guidance on modelling and analysis;
    • Guidance on impact assessment;
    • Guidance on habitat creation and restoration; and
    • Worked examples and case studies.
  • Software downloads:  A number of software tools are also avilable for download. These tools have been either fully or partially developed as part of the Estuaries Research Programme. The tools are:
    • ASMITA (Aggregated Scale Morphological Interaction between Tidal inlet and Adjacent coast);
    • SHELL model interface (coupling tool between 1D hydrodynamic models and regime equations).
  • Links have been provided to:
  • In addition users can access the Cause–consequence model and toolbox (a model attempting to map possible routes from a particular causal action to the resultant changes to the system);

Quick links

Last Modified on: 23 May 2012
Printed from the Estuary Guide on 23/01/2025 19:30:03