Welcome to the Estuary Guide
We have consulted with several stakeholders on future developments of the website and database, and we will be updating them both regularly in the future. If you want to have your say about future enhancements to either, please contact rememare@environment-agency.gov.uk.
The Estuary Guide aims to provide an overview of how to identify and predict morphological change within estuaries, as a basis for sound management.
For further information read a more detailed overview
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The Guide is:
- An interactive document supported by a series of searchable tools;
- An overview of best practice in the field;
- Based on a collation of industry experience and ongoing research;
- A vehicle for collation and dissemination of the current outputs of the Estuaries Research Programme (funded by Defra and the Environment Agency since 1998) and other ongoing R&D.
The Guide is not:
- A prescriptive set of government advice, rather a summary of best practice;
- A complete and comprehensive guide to estuaries recognising all user perspectives.
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