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Software downloads

This page offers direct downloads of software that have been created as part of the Estuaries Research Programme. You can both read a brief overview of what the software is designed to do and download the manual. Then if you want to download the software, click on the appropriate register and download link.

ASMITA (Aggregated Scale Morphological Interaction between Tidal inlet and Adjacent coast)

The idea behind ASMITA is that a tidal basin, or any characteristic area (element) can reach an equilibrium volume relative to an invariable mean sea level. For example, under existing conditions the accommodation space (no net change in the change in the transport of sediment) is zero, with increased mean sea level the accommodation space becomes positive and sediment may be imported, the opposite is true when sea level falls. The key concepts of the ASMITA model are:

ASMITA Manual (V1.3) (PDF 1.41MB)

Register details and download ASMITA (V1.3)

Hybrid Model Interface (HMI) aka ‘SHELL’

Simply, the HMI has been designed to allow communication between existing 1D hydrodynamic models and a regime morphological top-down model.  The HMI program has been designed to provide an interface between these different modelling methods, and as such is termed Hybrid. The HMI allows the user to predict long-term (decades to centuries) change within estuaries. This hybrid approach allows the user to couple a process based model with a goal orientated Regime approach, thus enabling the user to make an assessment of the morphological effects within estuaries of say climate change, engineering works and so on.

HMI Manual (V1.0) (PDF 3.42MB)

Register details and download the HMI (SHELL) (V1.0)


Last Modified on: 19 June 2011
Printed from the Estuary Guide on 14/02/2025 08:41:55